Are you a loan officer looking to drive leads for your origination business without having to add more to your workload? Do you need to drive high-quality leads, while keeping your business operations easy and efficient?
The traditional methods for finding and capturing leads include cold-calling or hiring out lead generation to a third party, both of these methods are inefficient and expensive. However, when you utilize BeSmartee’s Mortgage POS platform in conjunction with its customer relationship management (CRM) integrations, you can automate the lead generation process.
This gives your loan officers more flexibility so that they can focus on closing more loans, as well as more time to build relationships and provide excellent customer service.
Three Ways That BeSmartee’s Mortgage POS Helps Drive Leads for LOs
1. Generate and Capture Leads Automatically
As an LO, one key to growing your business is to automate tasks when it makes sense to do so, especially tasks that take time away from working with customers and processing loans. Generating leads is an area that you can automate using the BeSmartee Mortgage POS platform.
BeSmartee leverages multiple Customer Relationship Management (CRM systems) by gathering leads from CRMs and integrating them into the BeSmartee Mortgage POS platform. This enables LOs to use the BeSmartee interface to manage all aspects of the customer acquisition process including managing leads, communicating with prospects and monitoring the entire pipeline of customers.

2. Leverage Third-Party Platforms
Automating the lead generation process begins by leveraging a variety of third-party platforms, including CRMs, and integrating lead generation platforms as well. BeSmartee integrates several third-party platforms including:
- Insellerate
- Salesforce
- Velocify by ICE Mortgage Technology
- Surefire by Black Knight
- LendingTree
- LOANTEK by Bankrate
- Zillow
Through these partnerships, BeSmartee’s Mortgage POS platform can ingest all of the information from a loan or loan inquiry and attach that information to a specific broker or LOs API. The LO can then view all of the information that they need in one, easy-to-access feature called the MLO Command Center.
The MLO Command Center allows LOs to manage all aspects of the loan process across the entire pipeline. This robust feature also allows LOs to create advertisements in places like LendingTree, when a customer clicks on the advertisement the automated process begins to collect and store customer information through the application process.
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All of this is done without the customer needing to set up an appointment or meet with an LO directly, saving time, money and the typical frustration that many customers feel during a typical home lending process.

3. Keep Your Pipeline Full
For mortgage lenders and LOs, your next customer is as important as your current customer, which is why keeping your pipeline full is essential to growing or maintaining your mortgage lending business. This can be difficult if you are trying to manage multiple platforms at one time. With the BeSmartee POS platform, you can continually pull new leads from different websites and platforms, and house them all in one spot.
BeSmartee’s Mortgage POS platform doesn’t just gather leads, it is a complete pipeline management solution. LOs can manage all aspects and paperwork associated with loans from one simple platform, where they can contact customers and have seamless access to pre-populated application information.
Although it is time-consuming, collecting and managing applicant data is critical to the mortgage process, this data management can all happen within the MLO Command Center. This saves your LOs time and reduces human error that typically occurs whenever you are collecting information from customers and transferring it to a separate database.

There are many benefits to using BeSmartee’s Mortgage POS platform to manage your mortgage lending business. For LOs, the main benefits include:
- Aggregating and adding leads to your workflow
- Filling your pipeline with quality leads
- Pre-populating borrower data into the application, saving time
If you want to digitize your mortgage lending business you do not have to do it alone. BeSmartee can help you streamline your loan processes so that you can be more productive. To learn more, contact a BeSmartee mortgage technology executive.